Monday, August 10, 2009


Monday, August 10, 2009
(Sorry I am so late in posting this...I wrote this on Friday night but am just not pressing the "Publish Post" button now...)
Today we are in Oklahoma City and officially ( a tiny bit over) 
half done with our road trip back East!
I have to admit that, while I was excited for the whole experience of driving across the country, spending so much time with Caleb, and enjoying all of the Midwest scenery (and food :) ), I was a bit apprehensive about the astronomical amount of hours we were going to be spending...sitting. in. the. car.
You see, I have a very short attention span and prior to our departure I was having visions of myself attempting to claw myself out of the car or refusing to leave the rest stop or something equally insane. But it honestly has not been that way at all to my GREAT surprise! Thanks to the genius of the 3G network I have been able to text, facebook, email, check up on the news...etc. throughout most of the 1,400 miles of the 5 states we have traveled across thus far. (only 1,300 miles to go!!) Caleb is a master DJ who has expertly compiled hundreds upon hundreds of songs to keep us musically entertained---Thank the Lord for brilliant husbands! 
And, have I mentioned, that when you get up at
 4 a.m. 
to get on the road- the day seems to go a lot faster?! 
That's right. It's ungodly...but it's real. 


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